I was greatly skeptical of all things “energy” until this year when I learned more about it. I believe it has been reasonably established by the scientific community that all things vibrate at certain frequencies, which means all things contain some level of energy. We know that human beings are conductive – electricity can easily pass through us from one point to another. And we know that Chinese medicine has been working on people on an energy level for thousands of years
What is the energy?
A Christian Reiki practitioner will tell you that the energy is the Holy Spirit. A new age practitioner may explain it is the universal energy of life that comes from the sun. Everyone has their own opinion and I’m not afraid to admit that I do not have an opinion. As far as I am concerned, the energy is simply energy (likely electrical in nature) and not anything more complicated than that.
Isn’t energy healing a religious thing?
No, not unless you decide to make it religious. Just as massage is not religious, neither is the work I do on your energy. I do not call on any deity and the energy used is the energy that comes from your own body.
What does an energy session look like?
It is usually 60-90 minutes long. You would generally stay clothed since I am not massaging or using any oil. You start out face-up and I use an energy technique to observe whether the 7 energy centers (the chakras) are open or closed. Then I lay my hands on 20 different positions of the body, each for about 3 minutes, to focus the flow of energy to/through that area. Additional positions are added if you have aches or pains that should be addressed. The 7 energy centers are checked again. If any are still closed, a little more work is applied to those areas. It is relaxing, boring, and people often fall asleep.
Does it work?
Results vary of course, but the same is true of any therapy. Yes, I have had success. Yes, it is ok to be skeptical and unsure if it will work (I was when I started too!). I believe that sometimes the results are VERY real, and other times my skepticism still shows up and makes me wonder. You must only believe that it MIGHT work, because a firm belief that it won’t work can block the energy and make your belief come true. Skepticism is ok but outright disbelief is not.
It is generally recommended when starting energy work for an acute or chronic issue (whether physical, emotional, or mental) that you attend at least 4 sessions in quick succession (such as 4 days in a row if possible).
Are you certified?
Yes. Certification is not required for energy work but I attended the course by the Academy of Energy Healing (a 100-hour course) and received my certificate in Energy Healing and in Reiki.

My standard name-your-own-price policy applies. I understand this is a new bodywork modality for me and even though I am certified, I am still new to this work. I expect your payments for energy work to be reasonably low, but I leave it entirely up to you.
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