Cell (Text Preferred)

(262) 417-0572

Serving Racine and South Milwaukee
Appointment Hours

Thursday thru Saturday

Name Your Own Price

In an effort to make massages affordable and available to EVERYONE, I have a Name Your Own Price policy. You can pay an amount that is affordable and reasonable for you in YOUR financial situation.

Standard rates for massage therapy in Southeastern WI range from $1.00 to $1.50 per minute. For a 2-hour massage, that’s $120-$180 (not including the expected tip). This can put massage therapy out of reach for many people.

I need to earn a living and pay my bills, but I started this career with the primary goal to help people with pain and anxiety and bring them some relief. As long as I am accomplishing this goal and still able to pay my bills, I am completely content to accept a lower fee.

Suggested Price Range

You really can pay whatever you want to.

Here’s some context: If every appointment slot was filled and everyone paid $60, my income for the year would be about $30,000. That’s not a lot but if I’m able to help you, it’s worth it to me.

What about shorter massage sessions if I feel bad that I can’t afford much?

Due to my own health issues, 2-hour massages are my preference. They are slow, relaxed, and I don’t have to watch the clock too closely. I would rather you pay me whatever you can afford and still get a 2-hour session instead of booking a shorter session.


Zone of Zen Massage always reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. If I feel like someone is inappropriately taking advantage of the pricing policy, we will have a discussion about it. The pricing policy may change if the need arises.

Due to the car accident I was in on June 20, 2024, I am working a lighter schedule and appointments could be more subject to cancellation than usual.  Please book your appointment but also be patient with me!